
General and Additional Operations Charges

Transportation (Excluding Lo/Lo)
Movement of Empty Containers From or Up to the JWC CFS 20' 40' 45'
1) Panvel, Kalamboli & Taloja 2300 4600 5000
2) b. JNP, NSICT & OTHER yards in that location 2800 4800 5100
* * Toll Charges will be levied extra and on actual At Actual
Lift-Off / Lift-On in JWC Complex 20' 40' 45'
- For Empty Container 550 1100 1250
- For Loaded Container 750 1500 1650
Sweeping Charges
For Normal Containers Rs. 450/- per Container
For Special Containers Rs. 650/- per Container
Shifting the MT container for Washing
Washing the container and stacking back the empty container in yard Rs. 950/- per teu
Shifting the MT container for Washing
Washing the container and stacking back the empty container in yard Rs. 950/- per teu
Survey Charges
CLP,EIR, Survey& Bottle seal Charges Rs. 650/- per Container
EIR Gate-In Rs. 650/- per teu
Eir Gate-Out Rs. 650/- per teu
Damage Container survey (Pre-repair/Post-repair) Rs. 850/- per container
Crane Charges
Upto Capacity 20 MT 26750/-
Above Capacity 20 MT to 40 MT 36750/-
Above Capacity 40 MT 51750/-
Lashing & Chocking Charges
Lashing & Chocking additional material will be charged on case to case basis depending on size and weight of cargo.
Empty Container Ground Rent 20' 40' 45'
Up to 7th Day 125 250 270
8th to 14th Day 165 330 350
15th Day Onwards 215 430 450
For Special cntrs Ground Rent will be multiple of Dry Containers
Ground Rent for Flat Rack (ODC) & Open Top 200% on actual Ground Rent Per Teus
Ground Rent for Reefer Container 200% on actual Ground Rent Per Teus
Weighment Charges / Re-Weighment 20' 40' 45'
Weighment of loaded containers on Party's vehicle 550 1100 1320
Weighment of loaded containers on CFS vehicle 850 1700 2040
Weighment of Cargo onTruck 450 900 1080
Table Space Charges Rs. 7500/- per month
Lockers Rs. 3700/year
Other Charges and terms and conditions:
1) All Cheques / DDs to be drawn favouring "JWC Logistics Park Pvt., Ltd., payable at Mumbai / Navi Mumbai.
2) All payments in advance
3) CHA / Consignee intend to pay by cheque must obtain prior permission from the CFS
4) If Cheques is dishonoured for what so ever reasons by the bank fine of Rs 5000 will be Levied and an interst @ 18%P.A for the delayed payments
5) GST and other statutory, levies will be applicable at prevailing rates
6) Payment of charges is not guarantee for services, which is strictly on completion of all Customs and other satutory formalities.
7) Movement of Containers are subject to weight restrictions imposed by Govt., Court & RTO. The above is subject to change without prior notice.
8) Additional Charges will be levied if the cargo is metal scrap that requires special handling
9) Additional Charges will be levied for contrs that have already been process for auction
10) Charges for labour Supply - Skilled Labour Rs 725 Per Shift/Per Labour and Unskilled labour RS 925/- Per Labour/Per Shift
11) Hazardous cargo declaration with all details may please be provided for safe handling,stacking & segregation norms compliances. CFS reserves the right for allowing or rejecting specific hazardous commodities in the premises.
12) Lashing & Chocking additional material will be charged on case to case basis depending on size and weight of cargo.
13) Please note Insurance of the Cargo will be on account of CHA / Consignee / Importer / Exporter / Shipper / Customer. Jwc will not be responsible for Insurance of the Cargo.
14) Import Documentation Amended Charges or HSS Charges Per Teus Rs. 1250/-
15) For Import Statutory Risk Coverage Charges - Rs. 0.30 per Rs 1000 on the assessment value + duty/week.
16) For Export Statutory Risk Coverage Charges - Rs. 0.30 per Rs 1000 on the FOB value
17) For Cargo Examination If SHED use then 4500/- per day Charges & If Empty Container Use then 2500/- Per Container will be applicable.
18) Shifting of Loaded Container to our Located Site in Custom Bonded Warehouse / Export then Rs 2850/- Teus will be applicable.
19) Cargo Fumigation OR Container Fumigation for Australian & NEW ZEALAND PORT then Charges will for 20' container Rs. 3500/- & for 40'container Rs. 7500/- will be applicable.
20) Cargo Fumigation OR Container Fumigation for Normal PORT then Charges will for 20' container Rs. 2200/- & for 40'container Rs. 2800/- will be applicable.
21) Import Shipment Payment will be accepted from Consignee / Importer; CHA or Shipment Forwarder. Third Party Payment will be NOT accepted.


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